Monday, April 1, 2024

We endorse Donald Trump for President of the United States of America

Ladies and Gentlemen,

We, the United Fools of America, a group known for our light-hearted approach to life, have decided to step into the serious world of politics to endorse a candidate who has, time and again, proven to be a source of unending entertainment. We are thrilled to announce our endorsement of Donald J. Trump for President of the United States of America.

Donald Trump, a man of unparalleled charisma and a unique approach to leadership, has kept us on our toes and laughing in disbelief. His unconventional methods, hilarious tweets, and his knack for turning any situation into a spectacle have made our days brighter and our lives more amusing.

His ability to create headlines out of thin air and his talent for keeping the world guessing what he'll do or say next is unmatched. He has turned the often dull and predictable world of politics into a must-watch reality show.

We believe that in these trying times, laughter and entertainment are more important than ever. And who better to provide that than a man who has made a career out of being a larger-than-life personality?

So, let's keep the laughter alive and the entertainment rolling. Vote for Donald J. Trump, the candidate who promises to keep us all amused, puzzled, and entertained.

Remember, in the world of the United Fools of America, every day is April Fool's Day, and Donald Trump is our Fool-in-Chief.


The United Fools of America

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Why everyone shall ask himself or herself this question, "what kind of fool am I?"


Reflecting on ourselves and our actions is an important part of personal growth and self-improvement. Asking oneself "what kind of fool am I?" can be a useful exercise in self-reflection, as it encourages us to consider our mistakes, shortcomings, and areas for improvement.

Here are a few reasons why everyone should consider asking themselves this question:

  1. It promotes self-awareness: By acknowledging our own foolishness, we can become more aware of our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. This can help us identify patterns and tendencies that may be holding us back, and give us a better understanding of ourselves and our motivations.

  2. It encourages humility: Nobody is perfect, and we all make mistakes. Recognizing our own foolishness can help us stay humble and open-minded, and remind us that there is always room for growth and improvement.

  3. It fosters self-compassion: It's important to remember that everyone makes mistakes, and that it's okay to be imperfect. Asking ourselves "what kind of fool am I?" can help us practice self-compassion, and remind us to be kind and forgiving towards ourselves.

  4. It promotes learning and growth: Reflecting on our mistakes and failures can help us learn from them, and make better choices in the future. By asking ourselves "what kind of fool am I?" we can identify areas where we need to improve, and take steps to become better versions of ourselves.

Overall, asking oneself "what kind of fool am I?" can be a valuable tool for personal growth and self-improvement. It encourages self-awareness, humility, self-compassion, and learning, and can help us become more mindful, reflective, and self-aware individuals.

Saturday, April 1, 2023

Why do we celebrate the International Fools' Day?


International Fools' Day is an opportunity to recognize and celebrate the value and contributions of individuals who may not fit into traditional definitions of intelligence or success. It is a day to celebrate those who think outside the box, approach problems in unique ways, and bring a sense of humor and lightheartedness to challenging situations.

Furthermore, International Fools' Day promotes the idea of intelligence equality and challenge the notion that only certain types of intelligence or education are valued in society. It could encourage individuals to embrace their own unique talents and strengths, rather than conforming to traditional definitions of success.

However, it is important to recognize that the term "fool" can be interpreted in different ways and may carry negative connotations for some individuals. Therefore, any celebration or recognition of "fools" should be done in a respectful and inclusive manner that does not offend or discriminate against anyone.

In summary, International Fools' Day is an opportunity to celebrate diversity and promote the idea of intelligence equality. However, it would be important to approach the topic in a sensitive and inclusive way that respects the dignity and worth of all individuals.

Wednesday, March 30, 2022


April is Fools' Pride Month

So we have Gay Pride Month in June. But for the average Joe or Jane, think about it: how many Gay people have you met in your life? And how many fools have you met? Chances are, you have known more fools than you have seen LGBTQ people.

So there are lot more fools than gays out there. Then why don't the fools have their Pride Month? Like LGBTQ people, we fools shall be proud of why we are. We shall not be afraid to come out. We shall not be afraid to express ourselves. We are a large part of the population and we deserve respect and recognition.

We are who we are. We are fools and we are so damn proud of it!

Therefore, we proclaim April to be the Fools' Pride Month. All month long we celebrate the fools in America, the contribution we make, the happiness and joy we bring to people, and our ways of life that people should recognize and respect. We are fools, and we celebrate our foolishness! Join us in pride in who and what you, and we, are!

Monday, October 8, 2007

a tax for world peace

The Iraq war has been costly, and there is now a proposal in Congress for a new tax to fund the war. It is generally agreed the chance of this tax passing through Congress is virtually zero.

However, is it a bad idea? We don't think so. We think a little bit of modification can really create a good funding source to continue the war. It is called the World Peace Tax.

The current proposal is not realizable because it is a tax on the American people, who voted the Congressmen and Congresswomen into offices. However, if the tax is imposed on these not voting in American elections, there should be little political barrier for its passing.

Throughout the world, many peoples depend on American protection. Shouldn't they pay their share of the burden to maintain world peace? There is no free lunch. Therefore, we propose to impose a two percent Federal universal income tax on the citizens of Canada, all the European Union countries, Australia, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and any other countries under American protection or with American troop presence. Afghanistan and Iraq are exempted because they are in no shape to pay this tax.

The two percent tax is an uniform tax on the income of these citizens, in addition to whatever the tax paid to their own national governments. So it is fair, simple, and does not suffer from any of the complexities Americans face when filing their Federal tax returns.

The US Government should use its power to make the tax a reality. These countries should be glad to implement this tax measure because everyone benefits from a peaceful world. And Americans can have enough money to pay for the Iraq war and to achieve the missions there and elsewhere.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

How to fight back against high gas prices

Do you worry about the ever increasing gas prices? Are you seeing your income eaten away by the once unimaginable, but now real, two, three, or even four dollar per gallon prices at the pump? Do you worry that someday you may not be able to afford the trip to work, if the price keeps rising?

Are you outraged that you struggle every day to make ends meet while your money is being taken away to fill in the already overflowing coffers of the Arabs sitting on top of oil, or even being used to fund the terrorists?

And are you worried about all the problems caused by the use of oil, bad and polluted air, environment damage, global warming, rising oceans, terrorism and war over resources? What can you do about it? How to fight back?

Well, we all heard of the proposed approaches to reduce the consumption of oil. "Clean" energy from sunlight and wind, the use of electrical cars, hydrogen power, public transportation, or human or animal powered transportation. While all of these proposals have merits, none have proved themselves capable of providing short term or immediate relief to the dependency on oil, or even for the long term, capable of economically and efficiently fill in all our needs currently fulfilled by oil. So we keep talking and discussing, but we keep driving and burning oil in our daily lives, making more CO2 and warming the globe (and keep paying more and more).

The situation is getting critical, and we can wait no longer. It is time for action. But what can we do?

Let us think for a moment (don't do this too often; once a while is fine). What makes us use the most gas? The summer trip to the lake? The once a year visit to GrandMa's house? No, none of these. We use the most gas going to and from work.

Except the few people who live very close to their offices or who live in New York where they go around by subway, most Americans have to drive to work from home. Drive to work in the morning and drive back home in the evening. For the majority the office may be in the city while the home may be 20, 30, 40, or 100 miles away. So we spend lots of time on the highway, sitting in traffic, running the engine idle and emitting CO2. We see our hard earned money vaporized in the process.

So to address the issue we have to fight the habit of "going to work" head on. "Going to work" is the biggest problem in America today. If we keep "going to work" every day we will see more pollution, warmer earth, more storms, higher oceans, richer Arabs and more terrorism.

So we don't work? No, that's not what we are proposing. Of course we have to keep working. We need to earn money to feed our families. So "not working" is not the solution.

Instead, we keep working but do less of coming and going. We propose that employees should stay in the office and take turns to go home once every other, or every third, day. Except for these who come to and leave from work by bikes, walking, buses or subways, human powered vehicles or horses, employees should stay in the office overnight and sleep in their desks or some temporary beds in the office. And people can take showers and sleep with their spouses once every two, or three, days when they get to go back home for a night. And if the office does not have facilities for taking showers, as most offices do not, people should be prepared to accept the bad smells of their office mates, for the good of the environment.

If we carry out this plan faithfully, we shall see the rush hour traffic in our cities reduced by a half or even two thirds, and the gasoline consumption in America reduced by the same ratio. This will go a long way toward reducing the foreign oil dependency and saving the environment and is more effective than any other methods currently proposed and is doable without any technical difficulty.

When the going gets tough, the tough gets going. And Americans are tough. So it is time for us to come together to fight back against rising gas prices and to reduce the dependency on oil, and to save the environment. We will refuse to "go to work" every day, by staying at work and not going home!